
We envision a world with deeper knowledge and empathy for Survivors' experiences and histories. We encourage all Canadians to learn more about the Sixties Scoop and its impact on individuals, families, communities, and nations. Below are films, articles, and podcasts that share the powerful voices of Survivors, including those who attended or assisted with the National Engagement Process.

This is far from an exhaustive list. If you have a resource that you would like to share on our education page, please let us know by emailing us:

Dr. Maurice's Working Definition of Lateral Trauma:

Lateral Trauma is displaced trauma directed against one's family, extended family, friends and community members rather than those who may have perpetrated the original trauma.
It may include a cycle of trauma, loss and abuse for example, and its roots lie in factors such as: colonization, oppression, intergenerational trauma, and structural and systemic racism and discrimination against minority groups such as Indigenous, Métis and Inuit People in Canada and beyond. The Residential School and Sixties Scoop Eras, policies and practices are powerful examples of Lateral Trauma.

Developed by
Dr. Jacqueline Marie Maurice
Ph.D., M.S.W., B.I.S.W., R.S.W. & C.C.P.

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